I S O T E L   S A   
H ä n g g i w i e s s t r a s s e   8
C H   8 8 3 2   W i l e n    b.   W o l l e r a u
S w i t z e r l a n d
P h o n e :    ( 0 0 4 1 )   0 7 6 - 4 0 8   2 5   1 5
E - m a i l :   i n f o  @  i s o t e l a g . c o m
B e a c h t e n   S i e   u n t e r  "A K T U E L L"  unseren ausführlichen Tatsachenbericht betreffend den brutalen Erlebnissen mit einer Hypothek der schweizer Bank "Credit Suisse SA" und wie diese das Hypotheken-Geschäft praktiziert. - Die Erfahrung im konkreten Fall mit dieser Bank zeigt ganz klar, dass diese Bank, wie eine krimminelle Organisation handelt und dass, weder die "Credit Suisse SA" noch die "UBS AG", also wie die Schurken dieser Welt, keines Falls Ihr Vertrauen und schon gar keine Hilfe der Streuerzahler des schweizer Volks verdient.
W H O   W E   A R E
ISOTEL AG is an international trade network offering a range of services.
We are an enterprise specialising in the sale and marketing of chemical and natural raw materials and derivative products. Our strengths are competency and reliability. Customers and suppliers can rely on the high quality standards of our products which create trust and also provide sustained added value for all our partners.
Our high standards of quality are guaranteed by means of a quality management system which embraces the entire range of our activities. Ethical principles and a sense of fairness form the basis of relationships in our immediate environment: with customers, suppliers, government and society. In order to meet their various requirements and demands we want to establish a mutual and fair profit optimization. The company is mainly represented in the internet. Here, customers and suppliers will find information, news and an international sales platform for communication in our network.
We would like to thank all people involved for their contributions and our customers and suppliers for choosing us.
Kind regards,
Your ISOTEL-Team
  Imprint Developed by ISOTEL AG